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Framing A Different Picture in Your Minds Eye

Someone told me to try approaching a video as if there were no language to describe what you see. Hard to imagine? What if you were in the shoes of something else that couldn't make full sense of what it was seeing? What if you were literally a fly on the wall? What would it see?

The short video on the home screen of this site is actually an experiment. I wanted to know what the world might look like from the position of a flower blossoming into the world - opening it's eyes for the first time. Would it blink the way we do? So I "treated" my camera lens with pedals and leaves (store-bought) and aimed to the sky. I played with the focus ring and focal length on my camera lens as if it's eyes were somehow adjusting to the light.

How do you angle the world from your minds eye? More difficulty, how could you captivate that perspective with a camera. Feel free to share your tips and tricks to how you put your own spin on seeing things differently. Whether your experienced or a beginner share your thoughts in the comments.

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